Meant as it’s name says for people that work sitting down (no matter of the age). They don’t take up much time. 13 Exercises, each is about 40 sec. long. You don’t need any special equipment, and all you need is 8 minutes of your time and some good will. After that you will fill less stiff, more nimble a cheerful. Exercise them 1-2 time a day and that is that.


Order ... 


The new DVD from the workshop of Tonći Šitić, who this time shows us exercises for stretching. It is useful for those who are already attending therapy and are somehow involved in the rehabilitation process. It is also important for people that involved in sports to prevent injuries.


Order ...


This DVD “Exercises for spine – medical gymnastic in 23 steps” continues where the last CD left off, it shows 23 carefully selected exercises, where the user can identify himself while doing them, they don’t need any special equipment or clothes, they can be done almost anywhere from you home to the gym, which is extremely important and is only product of it’s kind which is recommended by Croatian Society of Physiotherapists.


Order ...


This is the logical continuation of the “Exercises for spine” DVD which was greatly adopted. Most of the questions were how to exercise the legs correctly, how to have an reminder after learning the exercises, and which exercises to do for which leg problems.


Order ...

Festival of Health PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 26 March 2009 18:08

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In Bočarski dom, from the 20th to the 22nd of April 2007 the Festival of Health was held, with the purpose of gathering funds for the organization “Krijesnice” (Fireflies)

The goal was humane, but the organization was bad.

I am happy that during the festival I gave free physiotherapist treatments (about 20) and that a lead the exercising for the spine and the stretching exercises on four occasions.

Even the great Gordan Kožulj agreed on a short treatment.

The exercises were demonstrated by Željka Šaban, Croatia’s champion I triathlon.

That was a part of the gift that us physiotherapist and doctors, members of the Croatian Society of Physiotherapists gave to the children. The rest was measuring the balance in the duration of about 16 hours, and was done by doctors and colleagues.

Here are a few photos to describe the mood…



predavanje ... 

predavanje ... 


predavanje ... 


predavanje ... 


predavanje ... 


demonstracija ...


demonstracija ...


demonstracija ...



demonstracija ...


najmlađi ...


zajedničko druženje ...


Gordan Kožulj ...


Željka Šaban ...





Last Updated on Saturday, 04 April 2009 00:09
Kaltenborn course PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 26 March 2009 18:08

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The first international Kaltenborn course in Croatia took place from 31st of March to the 4th of April 2007 in “Fokus-medical” on Sesvete.

There were 15 people present, and the course was lead by the international instructor Matthias Burkert.

Topic: Lower extremities

A quality course, presented in a very good fashion, although I am in this business (manual therapy) over ten years, this was a new experience for me.

A few photos to show the mood:



uvod ...

rad na modelu ...


rad na modelu ...


pregled i dogovor ...


pozorno gledanje ...


pozorno gledanje ... 


rad uz nstruktora ...


 pauza ...


Last Updated on Saturday, 04 April 2009 00:10
CSPT congress in Rovinj 20 – 22. October 2006. PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 26 March 2009 18:06
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A group of physiotherapists (about us 50) gathered in Rovinj and talked about many things and showed some of their acquired skills.

With the standard quality lectures, a few workshops were also held:

-          Bobath, lead by Adem Dizdarević, an international bobath instructor

-          Klateborn, lead by Matthiasa Burkert, an international Kaltenborn instructor, for the first time in Croatia has demonstrated the Kaltenbron technique

-          PIR, lead by Tonći Šitić

On the last day a round table on the topic of “Teamwork” was held.

More about the congress:




predavanje ... 

rad na modelu ...

rad na modelu ...


rad na modelu ...


radionica ...


okrugli stol ...




Last Updated on Saturday, 04 April 2009 00:02
Zagreb Fair, “Medicine and Technology” 2006 PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 26 March 2009 18:06

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A workshop on the theme “Exercises for the spine and legs” was held, there were about 30 people present, and among them some were asking useful and concrete questions and took part in the exercise.

The questions were about spine related troubles after operations and the possibility of postponing or avoiding the operation at certain conditions if the neurosurgeon has already set a date for the surgery.

The second part was intended for people who have problems with their legs.

I would like to thank the companies “Mlinar” and “Coca-Cola” who refreshed the interested participants.

Special thanks to the company “OTIS” who lent a notebook (mine failed at the wrong moment).

The demonstrator was Brnka Vidović, prof..








Last Updated on Saturday, 04 April 2009 00:03
“Basics of manual medicine” course, part 2, 28.04 – 30.05.2006 PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 26 March 2009 18:05
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On the 30th May 2006, 17 new colleagues have finished the “Basics of manual medicine” course for higher physiotherapists” as a part of the School of manual medicine, and in organization with the Ward for physical medicine, rehabilitation and rheumatology of the Croatian Society of Physiotherapists and the private ambulant for physical medicine and rehabilitation “Dunja Barak-Smešny”.

The course was held in two parts. Part one was from 31.03 – 02.04 and second part was 28.04. to 30.05.2006.

The head lecturer of the course was dr. Dunja Barak Smešny, spec. physiatrist and the assistant was Tonći Šitić, higher physiotherapist.

During the course, which was very intense, and the attendees were from all over Croatia, the Czech school of manual medicine was shown, whose creators prof. dr. Karel Levi, prof. dr. Eva Rychilcova and prof. dr. Vladimir Janda, was accommodated to the needs of higher physioterapists.

It was agreed that a next course should be held with a workshop or the continuation of the course.

With this course the number of higher physiotherapists who have completed the basic course has grown over 80, but unfortunately only a low number of them use that kind of therapy due to the nature of their workplace or they haven’t found themselves in it.

In parallel to this, there were a few courses held for doctors, so you can find in some institutions and private practices whole teams who cooperate splendidly or individuals that work alone.

I would like ask all the colleagues and doctors to contact me if they are interested for further education or perfecting their skills in this area, and to cooperate and exchange experiences, and to the people attending this course my sincere congratulations on their full attentions and for successfully adopting the materials presented.

Take a look at the atmosphere through a few of these photos:




demostracija zahvata


Dunja i Tonći 


postizometrična relaksacija

prezentacija naučenog


prikaz na modelu kralješnice

prikaz na kolegi

"Da li sam sve pokazala?"
"Da li sam shvatio prikaz?"


tretman uz zabrinuti pogled kolegice Tanje


kolegica Ivana na djelu


tretmani pod budnim okom kolegice Bernarde




snimanje za podsjetnik u budućem radu


gotovo je gotovo


Last Updated on Saturday, 04 April 2009 00:11
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